Mr. Monk Goes To Group Therapy (Blog Along Commentary)

Since it was so fun last time, I thought I'd do another blog along this week too. Can you believe it? This is episode 8! Half way through the final season. *tears* Also, they wrapped the final week of shooting today :( But very appropriate given it's Tony Shalhoub's birthday. Speaking of, tonight's episode was actually supposed to be Happy Birthday, Mr. Monk. Guess U.S.A. missed the memo.

Okay, well it's on now. Hmm, curious. Uh oh, this can't be good. I'm guessing she's gonna die... You know, I think I probably wouldn't have even bothered to put on a towel. I mean if you were really freaked and wanted to shut the door asap...just saying. But given the fact that this is television, I guess that wouldn't have been a good idea :P

1 dish! A draught, eh? I really like Nat's dress. So different from what she usually wears, you know. Stupid this a covert way of pushing the health care reform?

BIG FAST TALK! So is Adrian really poor or something? Or is he just super cheap. After all these seasons, I'm still not sure, lol. GERMOPHOBIA! Pass! We have to cure something :P The door was locked and the key didn't fit, that's hilarious! Fear of bees in blenders...*cricket cricket*

I think Nat is wearing one of Monk's shirts again. I always find it amusing when she does so. She did in Mr. Monk On Wheels. Oh that crash was epic! Hehehe.

Well, well, well. Is that who I think...again? Harold! Yay! Harold! "And I don't feel threatened in the slightest." Oh, Harold, you're such a big old jerk. With any luck, Harold will be the killer... Wow, so many disturbed people in one room. SHUT UP, HAROLD, SHUT UP! Oh no he didn't. Oh no he didn't! Harold needs to stop like right now. Oh he's so jealous. "I'm gonna rezone your whole neighborhood!" Now that was hilarious.

Wow, that's a lot of product placement... I guess Windex wants to go out with a bang, lol. "Are you following us?" Well, there's the killer. Guess it wasn't Harold. Thanks for the save, Nat! "Sir, are you buying anything?" That cashier was surprisingly witty for such a small role.

Hey, the Captain and Randy have finally arrived. Oh no! There goes another member of the group. Why am I guessing Adrian is going to have to save Harold. OMG! What is the opposite of a spider? That was the funniest moment period.

The opposite killer! I take that back, THAT was the funniest moment! A falling rocket scientist! LOL! LOL! Oh no, don't smile, Monk. Don't smile *rolls eyes*

And then there were three. OMG! I seriously started typing "and then there were three" before Harold said it! No freakin' lie! Of course, the guy won't know about Monk since he joined after the fact. Hahaha, how is it up in Neven's butt? Let's all feel confused. Not quite sane. What is Harold doing? OMG! This is like one of the funniest episodes eveh! OMG! This here's what happened is hilarious! Adrian's the guy! Lol.

Wow, I can't believe that Adrian actually believes it. Okay, that makes sense Natalie. I am loving the hand fight with Nat. "God would never do that. It would make me too happy." This can't be good! Don't go in! They'll really think you did it, Monk! She's already dead of course! And there she is... With cleaning supplies? Dun dun dun, the cheap brands. There it is. OMG! Natalie! What the heck just happened? I'm enjoying the interaction! But what happened? Why isn't it affecting Monk? Aww, he's actually being sweet. Guess he learned from the voodoo curse. AH! He's been hit! Buried alive again? Only this time with Harold! "I still think it's you..." LOL. then where's Natalie?! *panics* And can someone please explain to me why other people get hit on the head on this show and die, but Adrian never does when he's hit on the head?

And we're back to the show. That must be one very big trunk, you know? My side's carpeted. Hehehe. There's Nat. Did he think she was dead or something? I guess Harold isn't cured after all :P Aww, bonding moment. Too sweet. This is very touching. Slightly weird, but touching. Wow, that's very insightful Monk. Very insightful... "This trunk is our friend." Wow, they're totally geeking out about this. Woohoo group therapy.

Freedom! OH NO! Dr. Bell's house! "I didn't say that." "Don't ask." Lol. He's got a gun too. I'm actually loving this Monk/Harold super team :P Wow. Hey ho, let's have a therapy session because everything's hunky dory. Let's not mind we just escaped a trunk and this guy just confessed to killing three people.

Aww, Harold! Is he dreaming? Is this real? Aww this is such sweet closure for for the Adrian/Harold plot line. *tear tear* So cute. Wow, I can't get past how heartwarming that was. Of course it makes me all the more sad that their closure is just one more major signal that the series really is ending.

Well, can't wait to hear your thoughts on the episode :)