2 Weeks / Wish List

Can you believe it!? Only 2 weeks left until the final season of Monk begins! It's just so hard to believe this day has -almost- come.

So, I'm about to begin a marathon of episodes with seasons 3-5 (the only seasons I currently own) which will last over the next two weeks. I will then watch the season 7 marathon that takes place on the 7th on USA Network to round out my marathon. 

But before I watch the first episode, I thought I'd post a wish list of some things I'd like to see in season 8 before the show comes to an end. All of these are my personal and very random wishes and I know many if not all of them won't see fruition.

  1. Being a Monk/Natalie shipper, I definitely want to see something happen with them! I don't need anything over the top or totally unbelievable, but I hope they leave it with them being "together" together...lol.
  2. I would really like to hear Natalie call Monk by his first name! She's only ever said it twice (maybe 3 times). She said it once or twice in Mr. Monk and the Red Herring and once last season in Mr. Monk Gets Hypnotized - which made me squee so loud!
  3. I hope Benji returns with Sharona when Bitty Schram guest stars. He and Julie should be about the same age so that could be interesting ;)
  4. Speaking of Julie, a graduation episode would be really cute. Or maybe an episode right before she's about to go off to college. That would be VERY interesting!!
  5. We already know Trudy's case is going to finally be solved...but what about Mitch? Poor Natalie seems to be having a very hard time letting go too, more than I think she'd care to admit. I'd like to see some closure with that too!
Those are my top 5. I've thought of a few more before, but can't think of them off the top of my head. Does anyone else have a wish list of things they'd like to see happen? This is just for fun, of course, so any suggestion is okay whether it happens, whether it's for a different ship, or whether it's just plain zany. Wish list away :)


Anonymous | July 25, 2009 at 12:13 PM

I'm testing the comment section to see if it works...