3 Sneak Peaks!!

This is a quick-post. I've been keeping up with the online Monk countdown calendar and today's is one of the most exciting to date!!

Three out-of-character Monk Moments you won't want to miss in season 8:
  1. Monk goes camping. Voluntarily.
  2. Natalie flips out, and Monk has to take care of her for a change.
  3. Monk unbuttons his shirt. Well, the top button at least.

OMG!! Number 2 was one of the things I couldn't remember the other day on my wish list!! I totally wanted Natalie to finally have an epic break down!! OMG! I'm like the one flipping out right now!! Of course, I also can't wait for Monk to unbutton the top button either :P


alex455 | July 27, 2009 at 2:42 AM

This is indeed the best countdown sneak peak so far. I think Natalie will be flipping out in Voodoo Curse episode. As we know it will be connected in some way to her husband Mitch.
I can't wait for season 8
Great blog by the way

LaBelleAurore | July 27, 2009 at 8:19 AM

I actually did not realize Voodoo Curse is connected to Mitch. Hmm, how could I have missed that piece of info...!! But, yeah, I agree with you. The picture from that episode on the countdown calendar kind of looks like she's flipping out. Either way, I get an episode connected to Mitch AND Natalie flipping out sometime this season, which means now I'm down 2 on my wish list, lol.

And thanks :)