Back To School Monk Style...

School just started back up. Which is the reason why I did not get around to posting a review for the absolutely FABULOUS episode, Mr. Monk and the U.F.O. Believe me, it's now possibly in my top 10! Or at least top 20...

Between scrambling to get books, trying to get adjusted to new schedules, etc. I haven't had much time to do anything Monk related. And that makes me sad. So, I've decided that tomorrow, I will make a Monk Megapost to make up for a week long absence.

Anyways, in my Tuesday morning Theater Appreciation class, we had to do improv introductions. Well, one guy created himself as a character that was definitely a cross between Rain Man and Adrian Monk. We then all talked about him being like Monk for a few minutes. It was definitely a cool way to start off the school year! When he did his character, he even didn't want to shake anyone's hand, lol. He wiped it off on his shirt!

So, anyone else a fan of Monk and heading back or already back in school? Do you have any Monkish stories? Have you ever been out and public and suddenly think, "Wow, this is just like Monk!" or something similar? If so, feel free to share :)


Anonymous | September 12, 2009 at 11:13 AM

Wow, that's a great story, and a good way to start off the school year. Once, I saw that a few books that were turned in all directions and I fixed them up, after that I was like, wow...I just had a Monk moment.