Mr. Monk's Favorite Show (Review)

Okay, it's time to review the final Monk season opener that will ever air. If you haven't seen it, be warned since this will definitely contain spoilers!

All episode scores are on a scale of 10 because Monk would want it that way :)

My score for Mr. Monk's Favorite Show is 4 out of 10. Yes, that horrific. From the lack of warning under the PG rating (e.g. L,D,S,V) of what to expect to the shocking lack of flow this episode seemed to have, I would have to say I label this episode as not only forgettable, but possibly the worst opener of all 8 seasons. At least The Other Detective and The Actor (also relatively lame openers of the past) had Jason Alexander and Stanley Tucci to make up for lack of real flare.

My first nitpick of this episode was the amount of suggestive material it contained. Now Monk has never been entirely innocent (it probably only appears that way in comparison to every other show on t.v. these days), but this episode seemed to push the envelope further than previous episodes. In fact, the entire first half an hour was nothing but innuendo after innuendo. Maybe they were going for the shock value, but, honestly, I felt just as embarrassed as Monk must have in this episode. The only bright side of the use of the dirty book was it gave the best dialogue of the episode: when Mr. Monk asked Natalie to burn his eyes out with her hot tea or said that everyone in the world had a motive to kill her.

Similarly, even if the suggestive material wasn't a turnoff for everyone, the fact that the entire story plot was based on nothing more than the questionable outcomes of child stars just seemed a little bland. Most of us already know what happens thanks to "Where Are They Now" specials and tabloids. And most of us have probably learned the hard way just like poor Monk that nothing is as it seems on any show past or present. But to make an entire episode about it? I'm beginning to understand what the writers meant when they said they were running out of ideas. 

More proof that this episode was creatively shallow was the strange flow it had. The show within the show (Cooper Clan) segments came on without any warning which is okay, but seemed to drag on before getting to the point. It felt filler-ish. Also, the bit where Natalie was knocking on the already deceased man's door expecting an answer...I can't really tell if that was a joke or if the writers put it in and Tony Shalhoub adlibbed realizing it was an error on their part. Either way, it had me and my family stumped for a second as we watched on. We all looked at each other like, "Wait, isn't he dead?" It was just plain weird. And in my opinion the whole episode seemed that way.

Now, I'm not saying I didn't like this episode at all. In fact, had it not been dragged out so long, the Cooper Clan summation would have been the best part of the episode, and possibly one of the best episode summations ever, as Mr. Monk started telling the poor kids the tragic fates they would grow up to endure. And Monk shouting at the laugh track was a brilliant touch. But, again, did he really have to stand at the door listening to the applause for so long? That was at least a minute of wasted time, and then adding the incredibly long hug to boot?

Overall, this felt like a 3rd episode into the season kind of deal, and was hardly worthy of being the final season premiere. But, hey, those are just my opinions. What did everyone else think? Do you think this episode was awesome or are you like me and feel like it could have been better off aired later - or not aired at all?


Anonymous | August 8, 2009 at 7:27 PM

i agree - it could have been a lot better. i was watching this with my parents, and it was pretty awkward when all of these sexual references came on, as funny as they were. i mean, a couple or two would have been clever, but it got to the point where it was just unnecessary.

i'm not sure if it's just me, but i had figured it out from the beginning that it was the actress setting the bomb and everything for herself. i didn't know why, but i did think it was her.

don't get me wrong...there were tons of funny moments (monk in the cooper clan summation WAS GOLD.) but yeah, a lot of it felt dragged out...

or maybe it's just us fans raising our expectations so high, with it being the final (sniffle!) season and all. i have a feeling the next episode is going to make up for this one, though :)

Unknown | August 8, 2009 at 8:21 PM

I thought it was all right. Parts of it did drag on, but other parts were good. Probably would have been better later on in the season.

I think I'm more embarrassed now ... I didn't catch all the innuendo everyone is talking about! And I watched it with my dad. I wonder if he was squirming in his seat!

Anonymous | August 8, 2009 at 11:08 PM

I agree is was weak and had a weird flow. Didn't care for it.
I would not have chosen it as the way to open the season. ):

Along with the general leer-worthy subject matter and stupid moments I hated the mystery. After the lipstick message on the mirror in the bathroom I had no doubt that it was all the actress. Too obvious. Didn't want to think about it from then on at all.
The redeeming parts of this episode were Natalie's antics, page 73/crackers and juice/ending battle. I didn't really eat up the whole Cooper Clan hallucination thing which I'm allowing to place blame on the fact that the scene was mostly given away in previews online and commercials I'd seen. By the time of actual watching it didn't feel wacky anymore to see Monk like that.

Overall a meh episode where I'm just far more interested in getting from laugh to laugh rather than pay attention to the plot. Ranks with Mr. Monk's Other Brother in unlikeability for me. But.. I'd rather have this than nothing at all. It's been a long wait. Friday does need to come faster, I feel like the next ep will make up for this.

Rachel | August 27, 2009 at 2:10 PM

I loved it and watched it a fair few times, though it may be diffrent if this was in the middle of the season, and i may have watched it a fair few times because it was the first new monk episode.

Nat was awesome in this episode, very funny.